Saturday, August 30, 2008

Welcome to African Scramble

This academic blog accompanies African Literature (English 3140) at Western Michigan University in Fall 2008 and serves as a resource and a gateway to the interconnected blogs and resources developed by students in the course.

Drawing on an understanding of the European "Scramble for Africa" of the 19th and 20th centuries we will examine the current scramble for African resources and labor that appear to be defining Africa of the 21st century -- a scramble that is truly global involving the United States, China, as well as Europe and many others. While our focus will be on literature we will also consider essays, historical analysis, film, speakers, library and internet resources.

The map above shows European colonies in Africa as of 1914 and raises a number of questions. How did the Africa land mass come to be controlled by Europe? What effects did European colonialism have on Africa? How did modern Africa nations develop? What is happening to the people and resources of Africa today?

1 comment:

Lindsey Brun said...

Here's that link for Johnny Mad Dog

LOVED the book